Desing by Nelrgla /*COPY CODES*/ body { background: #000000;} /*THIS SECTION CONTROLS THE BACKGROUND COLOR, FONT FACE, AND BORDER OF THE PROFILE BOXES*/ .border2, .comment { color: #a58554; padding:10px; text-shadow: none !important; border: none; border-top: 8px ridge #996633; border-bottom: 8px ridge #996633; background: url( repeat !important; -moz-box-shadow: #000 1px 3px 6px, inset 1px 3px 5px 1px #000099; -webkit-box-shadow: #000 1px 3px 6px, inset 1px 3px 5px 1px #000099; box-shadow: #000 1px 3px 6px, inset 1px 3px 5px 1px #996633; -moz-border-radius: 46px 46px 46px 46px ; -webkit-border-radius: 46px 46px 46px 46px ; border-radius: 46px 46px 46px 46px ;} /*BORDER AROUND BOXES FONT COLOR INSIDE PROFILE SETTINGS BOXES*/ #main { background: transparent; } #top { background: transparent; } .top2 { background: transparent; } .mainmenu5 { background: transparent; } .border2 { background: transparent; } .border13 { background: transparent; } .comment { background: transparent; } .comment-text { color: transparent; 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