<?xml version="1.0"?> How well do you know your pronouns ?

How well do you know your pronouns ?

Gap-fill exercise

Complète ces phrases avec le bon pronom personnel sujet.
holidays.jpg Hello, my name is Jazz. am a cat.
toy.jpg This is my favourite toy. is blue.
101025_0004a.jpg This is my mother. is ten years old.
dad.jpg This is my father. is tired.
SOMC_35.jpg I love my baby sister. are happy cats!
two.jpg My parents are nice. are in the garden.
tumblr_lpcvpszMuV1qabm53o1_1280.jpg Jack is my master. is English.
cat_ginger_fish_aquarium_1560_1920x1080.jpg I love this fish. is red.
f938ac538f15098e4548d7864ee17bbe.jpg Oh, no! My brother and sister are in the aquarium. are not fine at all!
images.jpg This is a nice photo. am with my friend. are in love!